It was in the year 1922 that a man by the name of D. M. Parker from Wolf Hole, Arizona visited us, and I sold him 20 head of yearling heifers and one young bull. The price of total sale was $4,000.00. The deal was made in August and the heifers were selected. I was to ship the cattle in the November following. Mr. Parker gave me a check for $1,500.00 and signed a note for the balance of $2,500.00, the note to be paid when the heifers were delivered.
        A short time before the time for delivery of the heifers, I received a letter from Mr. D.M. Parker telling me of his great disappointment. There had been no rain in Arizona and their water reservoirs were dry. He asked me if I would keep the heifers another year for him and he would pay for the feed. The following year I received another letter asking if there was any way he could get out of paying the $2,500.00 note he had signed. He stated that if I crowded him for the money it would ruin him financially.
        I immediately enclosed his note in a letter and mailed it to him. I told him in my letter I could not return to him the $1,500.00 he had paid me. I did not have it, but I told him he could have $1,500.00 worth of cattle at the former price whenever he wished to send for them. In reply, I received one of the most appreciative letters I have ever had. He said he had never before been treated with such fairness as I had treated him.
        About two years later I delivered his cattle to Enterprize, Utah, according to his request. He had sent to me the money to pay the transportation on the train. There was a 20 mile drive for those cattle from Modena to Enterprize. I failed to get in touch by telephone with the man at Enterprize who was to receive the cattle, so I followed them on foot that 20 miles, arriving at Enterprize about 8:00 p.m.
        That night I slept in a room with three men from Wolf Hob, Arizona who knew Mr. Parker. I told them my business in being there. Said one of those men, " I have heard all about that deal. Mr. Parker has told me all about that." Said he, "The man who sent those cattle to Mr. Parker is very foolish. He did not have to do it. Mr. Parker is the one who broke his contract, etc." Yes. I knew Mr. Parker was the one who failed in his contract, and it hurt me very much. I needed that money. But I felt sorry for him also. I have never felt sorry that I sent to Mr. Parker those cattle.
        It was April 25, 1955 when I wrote the above story. This morning, April 26, 1955, I again remember that on the same train that we loaded the 7 heifers and one bull to send to Mr. Parker, we loaded Harold's show string of cattle and three young steers to be exhibited at the First Los Angeles Fat Stock Show ever held at Los Angeles. Omni went with Harold to the stock show. They left me at Modena.
        Harold had only a few days previously returned home from a trip to California and Arizona where he had been exhibiting cattle. Almost immediately after arriving home, Harold said, "Father I feel strongly impressed that we should take to Los Angeles those three young steers we have. I think they will pay out. I am so anxious to be at the First Los Angeles stock Show. There is to be a stock show down at Brawley in the Imperial Valley, California just before the Los Angeles show. Will you let us take the show herd to Brawley and then return them to Los Angeles and let people see our herd even though there will be no regular show for breeding cattle?" Seldom did I ever refuse to grant to Harold his request. I had confidence in him.
        At the show, Omni won with his steer, the Grand Champion prize of the show. The steer weighed 800 lbs. and sold for $1,000.00. As I remember, the other steers stood high in their class and they sold for $700.00. Never before had we received such prizes for steers or fat cattle.
        For many years thereafter our herd never missed being at the Los Angeles show and for many years it was a good market for bulls. I am impressed with the thought, I may not have sent the show cattle back to California had we not have had those Parker cattle to deliver.
        As I come to this part of my story, my thoughts are still crowded with memories of the past. They take me back even to the time before I went on my first mission when I was a member of the Charleston Theatrical Troupe, under the direction of Wm. E. Bate. We took our plays to Heber, Midway, and Wallsburg after presenting them at home.
        The cast of characters would generally include John and Maude Simmons, John, Rulon and Edith Bate, Jos. B. Turner, Brother Ralph and myself. (A wonder that I didn't try to take either from Joseph B. Turner or John Bate, their girl).
        After my marriage to Sarah, I still continued to sing in the choir for special occasions. I always liked to sing with a good chorus.
        When the Seventies and the Relief Society Sisters fixed up the basement in the old town hall so it would be a respectable place in which to hold Relief Society Meetings and our Seventies Classes, I took part in a play. It was then I fell in love with Jennie Noakes. She was my sweetheart in the play. I was quite a desperate character. In fact, I shot a big hole in the outside basement door which still showed the big scar at the time the meeting house burned.
        One of the most pleasant winters, I ever remember was when my wife and I were appointed to work with other members of the ward to raise funds with which to repair and decorate our ward chapel. Our main source of revenue came through shows, dinners, and dances that we arranged for. Most every week a committee meeting was held at one of our homes where we would talk over the things of most importance. The rest of the evening we spent as best pleased us, besides having refreshments. (I must here admit there was something about, that the others liked to laugh at. I guess they might just as well laugh at me as anyone else. They were out for a good time, and so was I.) Members of that committee were: bishop and Mrs. J.M. Ritchis; Harry and Ella Watson; John and

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