In appreciation here I wish to thank my Heavenly Father for health and strength and for the inspiration that has come to me and strengthened my memory so I could tell of the more important experiences of my life.  Though I am 83 years of age, I still ride on the range on horseback with the  cattle in Strawberry Valley in the summer time and I enjoy putting in long hours with my books and writing at other times.
        If the story is good, I wish to dedicate it to our pioneer parents who gave us our names at birth.
        At this time I wish to speak of the patience of my wife, Jessie, who has suffered herself not to disturb me when she thought I was busy, even though she would have liked to talk to me; and not only while writing this story, but during the many other things I have had to do, and other writings I have made.  Yes, she has been good, and been very patient, and has done all in her power for my convenience and pleasure.
        Each one of my family has tried to relieve me of all other work, as much as possible so that I could have time to write and do family research work, etc.   I wish to tell also of the great help rendered by my daughter-in-law H. Carma Wilson Winterton and my granddaughters, Marilyn and Diane, and also my grandson Lowell Walker.  Theirs has been the big job of doing all the typing, making the stencils, and making the reproductions.  And, little do people know how much work it is unless they have had experiences with it.  Still they say that they have been well repaid.  They knew they were pleasing me.  I appreciated all who have helped in any way.
        If my relatives and friends will read and be able to appreciate what I have written, I will feel well paid for all my time and efforts.







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